At the doctor earlier this week he weighed in at a whopping 24 lbs. 4.5 oz., and was 29.5 in. long.
Needless to say he is growing like a weed and doesn't miss a meal. He is a very active baby and really wants to be mobile. I, however, am not rushing that day. I am fully aware of how life changes once a baby is on the go. His sleeping habits are something that Graham and I are so proud of. Starting at about 6 weeks, we really started a routine with Conner, and our hard work has paid off. The first six weeks were somewhat of a struggle, because he had colic and a bad case of reflux. But once colic passed and we figured out a medication to help with the reflux, we could get down to teaching him good sleep habits. We loosley following the book by Marc Weissbluth, titled "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." In that book, he says that we teach our children healthy eating habits, appropriate ways to socialize, how to behave in public, and we should teach them healthy sleeping habits as well. That made sense to me. Right now, Conner goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:30 pm each night. He takes 3 naps a day. Of course, it's not a flawless process by any means, but I'm happy with where we are. There are still some tears when he initally lays down, and oftentimes we cuddle him or I nurse him to sleep. Of course, that is a sin according the book, but letting him cry for an hour just isn't something I'm willing to do. And I have to be honest...I enjoy that time with him. I know that too shall pass, and it makes me a little sad. Most of the time he sleeps for at least 9 hours straight, sometimes 11 or 12. He wakes for good between 6:45 and 7:30 am. Graham and I love it when he decides to stay in bed until 8, but that is a rare occassion.
He has figured out how to roll over onto his stomach, and has been doing that for a couple months now. but has not figured out how to roll back over yet. Most of the time in the morning we find him like this:
He started eating solid foods about a month ago. It's been met with lukewarm approval by Conner. So far he has had rice cereal, oatmeal, apples, avocado, sweet potatoes, and prunes. I have been making most of his baby food. It is easy to do and makes me feel good knowing that he isn't getting processed junk. He likes avocados and prunes the best, but doesn't really LOVE anything.
Conner is the light of our lives. He is so loved by his extended family and has many visitors. Having him is a dream come true and although I look forward to watching him grow, I find myself wanting to slow down the hours and days, to keep him little for just a little longer. More pictures and stories to follow...
I love that you make him baby food Melissa! That is awesome! He is precious!